MO - FRI: 6 am - 10 pm | SAT - SUN: 7 am - 10 pm

Terms and Conditions


(hereinafter also referred to as "GTC")



1.1.  Extent of the services

The clever fit Chodov studio (operated by Fit Academy Chodov s.r.o., Kaprova 42/14, 110 00, Praha 1, company ID: 10834249) provides its members with the services specified in the membership agreement during the official opening hours posted in the fitness studio. The use of studio facilities is only permitted with a valid membership. Only a person over the age of 15 is allowed to become a member.


1.2.  Suplementary performance

The studio may charge additional fees or expenses for using its additionally offered products and services, such as the solarium. This shall be brought to the attention of the member in advance in the premises of the fitness studio. Subsequent payment of such additional fees or expenses shall be effected without delay on the day when the member ceases to use the studio facilities, and exclusively through a fitness studio payment terminal or, where appropriate, in accordance with the payments according to clause 2.6. hereof.


1.3.  Minors

For minors aged 15 to 18, membership is only possible with the permission of legal representatives. Their consent will be superseded by the member's consent once the member reaches the age of 18.



2.1.  Authorization to access the fitness studio and the associated taking of the member’s fingerprints and a photograph capturing the appearance of the member.

Only those who are members of the fitness studio shall be allowed to enter the studio premises. Upon concluding a membership agreement, the member shall obtain a medium (a membership card or a membership wristband) that will allow him/her access to the studio. The member must have the access-enabling medium with him/her, otherwise the studio may deny the member entry to the studio or may deny him/her the use of reserved additional services if the member cannot prove his/her identity in another way and unless the existence of a valid membership can be proved. With respect to the provision allowing access to the fitness studio only to its members and the provision requiring a particular person to demonstrate that he/she is really a member of the studio, members shall also be obliged to identify themselves with their fingerprints and a photo of their face upon entering the fitness studio. For this purpose, the member hereby expressly agrees or, as the case may be, gives the studio his/her express consent with his/her fingerprints and a photo capturing his/her face to be taken upon concluding the agreement. The studio shall be entitled to process and maintain such taken fingerprints and a photo of the face of the member solely for the purpose of enabling the specific person to prove his/her membership.


2.2.  The fee for the first issuance of an access-enabling medium

A fee of CZK 0 or 600 is charged for the first issuance of the access-enabling medium, depending on the type of membership agreement.


2.3.  Handling an access-enabling medium

The member shall be obliged to ensure the safe storage of his/her access-enabling medium and, in case of its loss, to immediately report it to the studio. After a loss is reported, any payment function of the access-enabling medium will be blocked.


2.4.  Non-transferability of membership rights

Membership in the studio is linked to a person and may not be transferred. The member hereby undertakes that only he himself/she herself will use the access-enabling medium that has been handed over to him/her and will not cede it to a third person. If the member violates this condition, that is cedes his/her access-enabling medium knowingly and deliberately to a third person, so that he/she would enable the third person access, the studio may demand a contractual penalty of CZK 1,000 from him/her for each case of breach of the condition, without the need to prove the damage incurred. This shall not prejudice the exercising of any further rights arising from such a breach, in particular the right to claim any further damage and the possibility to terminate membership extraordinarily. No prior notice is required to exercise these rights.


2.5.  Reissuing of the access-enabling medium

An activation fee of CZK 600 is payable for any single re-issuance of the access-enabling medium required due to the loss or damage of the access-enabling medium attributable to the member’s negligence.


2.6.  Cashless payments made using the access-enabling medium

The studio is entitled to introduce a non-cash payment system for all products and services that it offers in addition to the contractually agreed performance. Where the studio exercises this option, the member may use the offered products and additional services exclusively under the non-cash payment system via the access-enabling medium. The studio may determine the maximum amount of a credit, the amount of each credit recharge and the options of payment methods. During the term of the agreement, the member may, at any time, have the amount credited to the access-enabling medium transferred back to his/her current account. The member is not entitled to partial refunds or cash refunds of the credit. The credit that will be recorded on the access-enabling medium at the end of the agreement will be transferred to the current account of the member unless there are any outstanding arrears owed by the member under the contractual relationship at the time. In such a case, the studio shall be entitled to collect the credit balance as an offset against the arrears.



3.1.  Operating regulations

When using the studio, the member is subject to the local operating regulations. The operating regulations contain, in particular, rules for the permissible use of equipment and the studio and for preserving the rights of other members. The staff is authorized to issue instructions, if necessary, to maintain the proper operation of the studio, order and safety or compliance with the operating regulations. The member is obliged to obey the instructions.


3.2.  Using the lockers

Lockers are available in the studio. A member may use these lockers only during their presence in the studio. The studio is entitled to open and vacate the occupied lockers if they are used outside the member's presence in the studio. The studio is not responsible for the loss, damage or theft of items stored outside the locked locker. Valuables (especially money, jewelry, documents, car keys, etc.) must be stored in a designated place, in safety deposit boxes at the reception.


3.3.  Using parking spaces for customers

Customer parking spaces provided by the studio may only be used by the member during his/her presence in the studio. The studio is authorized to issue parking cards, which the member must display visibly in the vehicle. If a parking space is occupied without the member being present in the studio and if a parking card is not displayed in the vehicle, the studio is entitled to have the vehicle towed away for a fee.


3.4.  Camera system

The studio notifies its members and members hereby acknowledge and thus expressly agree that they will be monitored by a camera system in the fitness studio. The purpose of operating such a camera system is not only to protect the rights and legitimate interests of the studio, in the form of general protection of the studio's property, but also to protect the health and property of members moving around the premises of the fitness studio. The camera system records only the public areas of the fitness studio. The camera system is not operated in areas such as toilets and changing rooms. Only authorized persons have access to records.



4.1.  Accompaniment

Bringing accompanying persons, including children, to the studio is permitted with the explicit prior permission of the studio. Bringing animals is prohibited.


4.2.  Violation of the duty of proper conduct

The member is obliged to comply with the conditions of the operating regulations and to properly comply with the obligation of proper conduct imposed by these GTC. If the member repeatedly violates the contractual obligations arising from the membership despite being warned, the studio is entitled to withdraw from the membership agreement in writing.


4.3.  Changes in personal data

The member is obliged to immediately inform the studio of a change in personal data relevant to the membership agreement, such as name, address, etc. The costs incurred by the studio as a result of the member not notifying the change of his/her personal data immediately are borne by the member.



5.1.  Basic membership fee and maturity of membership fee

The basic membership fee is specified in the membership agreement. The agreed membership fee, the proportional part for membership in the current month of concluding the membership agreement and the one-time fee for the first issue of the access-enabling medium will originate upon concluding the membership agreement. The proportional part of the current month given by the membership agreement and the fee for issuing the access-enabling medium must be paid to the studio no later than on the day of the beginning of the membership. In the case of a preferential one-time advance payment for membership, it is necessary to pay the entire period including a proportional part of the first month of membership and the fee for issuing the access-enabling medium no later than on the day of the beginning of membership. If a one-time payment is not agreed, the member is entitled to pay the membership fee to the studio in even monthly instalments. The monthly membership fees are then always payable on the 1st day of the month for the relevant calendar month (the instalment period). All payments (membership fee, fees and charges or other payments) to which the member is obliged under this agreement, shall be paid by the member to the studio primarily as a payment executed via the payment gateway on the studio’s website or via the payment terminal at the fitness studio by means of a payment card or another similar technology, i.e. by cashless payment. An exception is the payment of a membership fee for the period of at least 3 calendar months, when the member shall be entitled to execute such a payment by means of various cheques, such as in particular the Sodexo voucher and the Benefit points. Whether the studio accepts other checks in addition to the Sodexo vouchers or the Benefit points in relation to the given exception for the payment of the membership fee is at the sole discretion of the studio. This provision is without prejudice to clause 2.6. of these GTC. However, in the case of a membership agreement concluded for an indefinite period, it is possible to pay the membership fee exclusively through a payment gateway provided by a supplier with a banking license, whereas the monthly payments of the membership fee according to the current price list are automatically deducted every month by means of the payment gateway. In the event of a change in the price list, the studio is obliged to inform the member of this fact in advance. The maturity of individual monthly payments occurs on the closing date of the membership agreement and in each subsequent month on the first day of the month. To cancel the payment of individual monthly payments of the membership fee for a membership agreement concluded for an indefinite period, the member is obliged to contact the studio at the email address


5.2.  Late payment

The studio reserves the right to charge default interest in the event of late payment in accordance with legal provisions and to exercise the right to temporarily refuse services. Furthermore, in the event of a legal dispute, the member is obliged to bear the costs of the court proceedings and the costs of execution, if any.


5.3.  Total maturity

Where the payment of the membership fee has been agreed to be executed in instalments (clause 5.1.) and the member is in arrears with at least two monthly fees, the full amount of the membership fee and all flat fees will become due immediately by the end of the agreement.


5.4.  Prohibition of set-off and retention

The member may set off his/her receivables from the studio or exercise the right of retention with respect to any such amounts only if they have been undisputed or legally established.



6.1.  The term of the membership agreement

The term of the agreement is 3 months, 6 months, or 12 months. The term of the agreement begins to run at the agreed start of membership. After the expiration of the initial term of the agreement concluded for 3, 6 or 12 months, the agreement is automatically extended again for a membership period of 3, 6 or 12 months, while maintaining the existing membership number.


6.2.  Tacit extension of the agreement and its termination by the member

An agreement concluded for a period of 6 and 12 months is automatically extended always for the same period of time as the membership agreement was concluded for, upon expiry of the agreed duration of the membership agreement or upon expiry of a subsequent, equally long period of time, subject to the same terms and conditions. If a member does not agree with the automatic extension of the membership agreement, he/she will notify the studio in the case of the membership agreement concluded for 3, 6 months and the membership agreement concluded for 12 months no later than 2 months before the end of the agreement, either by e-mail to or to the address of the studio operator. If the member does not notify the studio of his/her disagreement with the automatic extension, the membership agreement will be automatically renewed under the conditions agreed in this paragraph, even if the member does not explicitly confirm that he/she agrees to the tacit extension. A membership agreement concluded for a period of 3, 6 months and for a period of 12 months may be terminated by the member at any time on the basis of his/her written notice delivered to the studio. In such a case, the contractual relationship will be terminated on the basis of this agreement after the expiration of the notice period of 2 months, which will begin on the first day of the calendar month following the month in which such termination notice was delivered to the studio. In the case of termination of the agreement concluded for a period of 6 months by the member, the price shall be amended as follows: for the relevant duration of the agreement, or for the period for which the agreement has been automatically extended, the price set for the agreement for 3-month period shall apply proportionately. In the case of termination of the agreement concluded for a period of 12 months by the member, the price shall be amended as follows: the price set for the agreement concluded for the period of 6 months shall apply proportionally to the respective duration of the agreement or to the period of time by which such agreement has been automatically extended, provided that the agreement was terminated by the member in the time between the 6th and 12th month following the conclusion or automatic extension of the membership agreement, and in the event that the membership agreement was terminated by the member in the period from the conclusion of the agreement or from the automatic extension of the agreement until the end of the 5th month from the conclusion of the agreement or from the automatic extension of the agreement, the price set for the agreement concluded for a 3-month period period shall apply proportionally.

In the case of any overpayment made by the member to the studio, the studio is obliged to return such overpayment to the member immediately after the termination of membership through a non-cash payment. However, the studio is entitled to use such an overpayment of the member primarily to offset any debts of the member towards the studio.


6.3.  Further extension of the agreement and its termination by the studio

In the case of automatic extension of the agreement concluded for a period of 3, 6 months and for a period of 12 months, a membership may be duly terminated by the studio after the initial term of the agreement (clause 6.2.) by means of a written notice delivered to the member. In the case of termination of membership agreement concluded for a period of 6 months and a period of 12 months by the studio, the contractual relationship will be terminated on the basis of this agreement after the expiration of the notice period of 2 months, which will begin on the first day of the calendar month following the month in which such termination notice was delivered to the member.


6.4.  Withdrawal from the agreement

Either contracting party may withdraw from the membership agreement for a serious reason. A change of residence of a member does not establish a right to withdraw from the agreement.


6.5.  Suspension of membership

Instead of termination, the membership agreement may be suspended for a predetermined period by mutual agreement. Suspension periods are not included in the agreed duration of the agreement, i.e. the duration of the contractual relationship is extended by the period of suspension.


6.6.  Form of termination, withdrawal from the agreement

The notice of termination must be submitted to the studio in writing with the member's name and membership number. The moment of delivery of the notice to the study is decisive for timely termination. Terminations that cannot be attributed to a specific membership relationship are considered undelivered. In case of withdrawal from the membership agreement for a serious reason by the studio, especially according to clauses 4.2., 6.4. and 7.2. herein, the agreement expires by delivering a written notice of withdrawal, which must include a reason for termination, to the member.


6.7.  Possible additional payment of the difference between the basic membership fee and the discounted membership fee during the notice period.

In the event that a member has concluded a membership agreement with the studio on favorable terms, i.e. that the amount of his/her monthly membership fee was lower than the basic membership fee as set out in clause 5.1. of these GTC, then in the case that the member terminates the agreement in accordance with the provisions of clause 6.2. of these GTC before the expiry of the originally agreed duration of the agreement in the sense of provisions set out in clause 6.1. of these GTC, the member is obliged to pay the studio the difference between the originally agreed discounted monthly membership fee and the basic membership fee. Furthermore, the member is obliged to pay the membership fee in the amount of the basic membership fee during the notice period.



7.1.  Prohibited substances

Smoking and consumption of alcoholic beverages and narcotic substances are not allowed in the studio. Furthermore, the member is prohibited from bringing prescription any drugs to studios that do not serve the member’s personal and physician-prescribed needs and/or other means to increase the member’s physical performance (e.g. anabolics). Likewise, the member is prohibited from offering, procuring, handing over or otherwise making such substances available for a fee or free of charge to third parties in the studio.


7.2.  Consequences of potential breach of the prohibition

If a member violates the conditions specified in clause 7.1., i.e. if he/she knowingly and intentionally consumes prohibited substances in the studio or passes them on to third parties, the studio may demand from him/her a contractual penalty of CZK 50,000 for each case of breach of conditions, without having to prove the damage incurred. This shall not prejudice the exercising of any further rights arising from such a breach of conditions, in particular the right to claim any further damage and the right to terminate the agreement. No prior call is required to exercise these rights.



The studio's liability for negligence is limited. This does not apply to cases of injury to life and health of persons or to cases of breach of material contractual obligations, which are caused by a negligent breach of duty on the part of the studio or its representative. Contractual obligations are considered to be material if their performance allows for the agreement to be executed properly and if a contractual party can rely on them being complied with in usual cases.



The studio collects, processes and uses the member's personal data. When concluding a membership agreement, the member is provided with information about the processing of the member's personal data. This information will also be provided to the member upon request at the studio or can be found at:



10.1.  Changes of GTC

The studio is entitled to change these GTC in the future. Changes will take effect when the studio notifies the changes, the member takes note of them and does not object to them within 2 weeks of receiving the information about the changes. When an objection is raised, both the studio and the member shall be entitled to terminate the membership agreement as of the last day of the respective month.


10.2.  Severability claus

Should one or more provisions of this agreement be or become ineffective, this shall not affect the effectiveness of the agreement and its other provisions. The provisions of the GTC may not preclude any provisions of consumer protection legislation that apply to the "Membership Agreement".


10.3.  Out-of-court settlement of disputes

In the event that a dispute arises between the studio and the member under the contract, which cannot be resolved by mutual agreement, the member may file a proposal for an out-of-court settlement of such a dispute with the Czech Trade Inspection Authority, the Central Inspectorate - ADR Department, with its seat at Štěpánská 567/15, 120 00 Praha 2-Nové Město, email:, website:

These terms and conditions shall become effective on 20 June 2022.